This adorable Labrador follows the kids to school, and this time he’s gone a bit overboard!

A Labrador from the Manthey family named Sandy has set the world on fire after a very unusual and interesting story! Even as a very young puppy, he was attached to this family with all his heart, following them wherever they went and sharing with them happy and sad moments in life. He followed them to every nearby point so that one day he graduated from college no less!

Yes, you read that right, the family was in a hurry that day and didn’t pay much attention to Sandy, she walked down the road alone and ended up in a nearby college and right with the headmaster! The seemingly hilarious situation presented the relevant institutions with a problem to respond to. Sandy was photographed by the staff present and subsequently became a real internet sensation.

The school team allowed one of the children to accompany Sandy and bring her home safely. In the meantime, the picture was given to the landlady Karen. At this moment, Karen’s feelings mixed, as the seemingly fun and frolicsome situation came with a dose of responsibility: she had to apologise for this situation and be a bit more careful next time and take good care of Sandy.
Fortunately, the headmaster accepted the apology and in the end she admitted that the situation somehow made her laugh and took her out of the boring work routine.
We hope Sandy brought a smile to your face too.

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