Oko 60 kilometara od Berlina, u gradu Brandenburg u Njemačkoj, nalazi se pravo tropsko rajsko mjesto, atrakcija koja može oduševiti do 6.000 posjetitelja dnevno. Tropski otoci privlače zimske turiste Sa dnevnim temperaturama u rasponu od -1 do 10 stepeni Celzijusa, ideja o mjestu s tropskim temperaturama gdje se može cijeliContinue Reading

Njemačka zvijezda Shiloh Jolie-Pete impresivno se pojavila na premijeri filma “Maleficent”, u društvu majke i starije braće. Prisutni su bili fascinirani prisustvom mlade devojke, a iz kruga prijatelja njene majke sjurile su se hvalospevi. Poznata po svojoj sklonosti ka udobnoj odjeći, Shiloh je ranije izjavila da se ne identifikuje saContinue Reading

Body acne, just like facial acne, can be a frustrating and embarrassing condition to deal with. Whether it’s on your back, chest, shoulders, or elsewhere, those pesky pimples can affect your self-confidence and overall well-being. However, with the right approach and consistent care, you can effectively manage and reduce bodyContinue Reading

Leonardo DiCaprio, the acclaimed actor known for his remarkable performances on screen, has undoubtedly captivated audiences worldwide with his talent and charisma. However, behind every great individual is often a supportive and influential family, and DiCaprio is no exception. Let’s delve into the background of Leonardo DiCaprio’s parents. George DiCaprio,Continue Reading