The most common infectious diseases in dogs

It is very important to take care not only of the health of our pets, but also of their own health. If the disease is detected in time, it is possible to provide appropriate treatment and care, and perhaps save lives. Even the mildest form of viral or bacterial infection can be fatal for your dog. Like humans, dogs can get sick with various diseases, some of which you may have heard of, others you may not.
Below are some of the most common diseases in dogs, along with their symptoms and treatment options.
Small puppy disease
This is one of the most common, but also the most severe form of disease typical of puppies. There are several forms of this disease.
The symptoms are: High fever (104-105.8 ºF), the mucous membrane of the eye is red, cough, rhinitis, which first comes out watery and colourless, then thick and sticky. Later it turns greenish.
As the disease progresses, the clinical picture of diarrhoea and vomiting appears. If the owner does not react in time and take his puppy to the vet and the disease persists for a long time, the death of the puppy is almost certain.
The first priority is the compulsory vaccination of domestic dogs against infectious diseases.
The disease is transmissible to humans, and vaccination applies to both large dogs and puppies.

Severe muscle cramps caused by the tetanus bacillus – Clostridium tetani – have been reported in both humans and animals. In dogs, the bacillus destroys the nervous system with its damaging effect, so that further muscle cramps develop. The entry point of this bacterium into the body of the organism is usually a wound, primarily and most often it is the wound where the tooth was.
Tetanus bacteria are found all around us, in the soil or dust, where they can survive for years. They most often get there through the faeces of horses and cows.
Therefore, one should be very careful when it comes to this bacterium. Dogs often play outside and put various objects in their mouths that have the soil on them, and this is how infection occurs.
The symptoms: A sick dog with a severe clinical picture has difficulty breathing, swallowing food and moving. The mouth is closed and slightly distended, the ears are stiffly hardened, the dog has a facial expression as if it is smiling. Death can occur by suffocation and the disease lasts two to three weeks. There are also milder forms of this disease where the clinical picture is milder or no symptoms at all.


This contagious disease is transmitted by rodents, more specifically through the urine of an infected animal. Dogs that have a habit of sniffing out scent are at high risk of becoming infected.
The symptoms: very bad mood of the dog, high fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, changes in the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, and increased need for water.
Cirrhosis occurs when the cause reaches the dog’s kidneys. Here we have the clinical picture of uraemia with a fatal outcome.
Treatment is exclusively with antibiotics. As it is a bacterial infectious disease, it can be transmitted to humans.

Inflammation of the stomach and intestines caused by a virus

The disease is characteristic of young dogs or puppies that are still nursing, but it is not uncommon in adult dogs either.
Symptoms: Severe diarrhoea, frequent vomiting, mild fever. After a sudden drop in temperature, the dog goes into shock. There is a loss of fluid and inflammation of the heart muscle, which leads to death.
If the disease is recognised in time and treatment is initiated, the chances of recovery are almost certain, the dog should be kept in a dry, clean and warm room.

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