Kind-Hearted Street Cleaner in Belem, Brazil Halts Work to Quench a Thirsty Horse’s Thirst in the Middle of the Road. The compassionate individual, whose identity remains undisclosed, immediately suspended their tasks upon noticing the animal and approached to offer assistance. This powerful incident serves as a testament to the enduring existence of humanity’s empathy!
Felipe Bandeira beautifully captured this moment and shared it with us. The dedicated worker briefly interrupted their duties to provide water to the horse as it passed through the bustling street. How profoundly moving, isn’t it? This heartwarming event was shared by the City Sanitation Department alongside the accompanying video.
These captivating visuals have sparked a poignant question: why do certain regions in Brazil still permit the use of horses for strenuous labor and pulling duties? For instance, in Rio de Janeiro, a law enacted in 2016 prohibits the utilization of horses and donkeys for hauling carts, transporting goods, or carrying individuals within major urban areas. This legislation, sanctioned by the state government, has since been diligently enforced, underscoring the progressive stance on animal welfare.