Have you ever had a disabled pet in your life? If not, we will introduce you to a Rottweiler named Brutus. We would like to introduce you to this wonderful dog with a big heart and incredible cuteness, regardless of your disability. It is perhaps unnecessary to talk about how difficult it is for animals with disabilities. They face many challenges every day. If they then also have no home of their own, no help with walking, bathing, eating, their suffering is all the greater.
This beautiful dog named Brutus had a tragic and unhappy childhood. His owner abandoned him on the street as a small puppy. Due to the extremely cold temperatures, the little puppy had nowhere to hide and the tissue and muscles of his leg were completely weakened. Fortunately, good people called the rescue team and saved little Spa from certain death. Now you can imagine the hell the little dog has been through, the trauma he carries with him and the size of his heart when he starts trusting people again after such a betrayal by his owner.
As a result of the freezing, Brutus lost all four paws. He could no longer move or play. But the people who helped him did not give up on him. For Brutus’ further treatment and recovery, it was necessary to provide sufficient funds for prosthetic legs.
Bruta was adopted by a woman named Laura Aquilina. This wonderful woman has launched a “crowdfunding” campaign to provide sufficient funds for Bruta’s treatment. Happily, thousands of people participated, raising over $15,000.
Once the prostheses were fitted, he was soon able to resume his old life. Of course, it all took time, but with the great patience of Mrs Laura and the vet, Brutus slowly mastered new steps and learned to walk with new paws.
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