A small, unfortunate dog narrowly escaped a violent death – thanks to the good people who rescued him. Simba, as he was named, lives in Cape Town, South Africa, and his sad story became an absolute hit on the internet when a couple rescued and adopted him. For months he was sad, lethargic and not interested in playing with people or other dogs. He wasn’t aggressive, but he was very fearful and withdrawn. No one had any idea what was happening to him or why he was behaving this way. His owners had neither the excessive desire nor the will to deal with this problem. After he was no longer the old dog they were used to, they decided to take a radical step! They decided to take him to be euthanized.

How can someone who has been your friend and loyal to you give you up so quickly and easily? That’s probably what Simba asked himself when he realized what a decision was being made by those he loved the most. But he was lucky!
Someone learned of this decision by Simba’s cruel owners and then informed the local rescue team, who of course responded and took the dog away from his owners. They did not allow such a move as the little dog was very fearful and showed no signs of aggression or serious illness. Both the rescue team and the vet to whom Simba was taken after he was taken away from his owners were very upset and surprised to learn what these people’s intentions were. There was really no reason for it.

The vet concluded that the dog was just going through a difficult phase, which animals, just like humans, go through at least once in their lives. It usually happens when they have been neglected for a long time. There are indeed many cruel people in the world, but fortunately there are also people with a big heart who rescue animals, help them and offer them a peaceful home full of love.

Watch the video below to learn more about Simba’s story!