For a very long time, Noah yearned for a kitten to call his own. Two years ago, when he opened his eyes on Christmas morning, he could not believe that Santa had brought him Sir Meowsalot, which is short for “Meowser.” The two-month-old cat was as excited to see Noah as he was to meet him. They bonded quickly and became great friends for life.

Noah and Meowser got along immediately away, according to Ashley Crow, the mother of both of them, who spoke to The Dodo. They couldn’t be divided up.

Since more than a year ago, nothing has changed. Never have Noah and Meowser been closer, and they accomplish everything together. Everywhere they go, the other follows them, and it’s becoming more and more obvious how special their relationship is.

Crow claimed that Meowser greets him with chips, purrs, and meows every morning and every time he returns home. They dress up, engage in hide-and-seek, and accompany Noah on his Hot Wheels and hoverboard rides.
Meowser and Noah hardly ever spend time apart, and they have developed the most adorable sleeping arrangement.

Every time Noah and Meowser go to bed or take a quick nap together, Meowser decides to sleep on top of Noah and give him a big embrace. It is adorable and brightens everyone’s day.
They’ve had a wonderful friendship from the beginning, according to Crow. Sir Meowsalot always rests on top of Noah when he is asleep.

There is no question in anyone’s mind that Meowser and Noah will be best friends forever due to their unbreakable friendship.
If you ask Noah who his favorite person in the universe is, he will always respond that Sir Meowsalot is that person since he is more than just a cat, according to Crow.