This is Duchess, a cat who has decided to stay positive despite all the bad things that have happened to her! She is a stray, and as stray animals are constantly exposed to danger, things like this have not escaped her either. She was hit by a car and her jaw was broken in the accident. Thanks to rescuers, she was taken to the Adobe Hospital and Animal Clinic in Texas where she received the necessary treatment and medical care.

Duchess was very lucky, not only that she survived, but also that the volunteers at the animal clinic were extremely humane people who would not give her up. Euthanasia was out of the question. They decided to repair her jaw and give her all the care she needed.

A woman named Crystal, who had found the injured cat, kept up to date with her treatment and recovery. As soon as she saw this beautiful animal, she knew she wanted to take it home and give it a better life.
The doctors were in absolute agreement with the team.

“Every day I spent time with her, stroking her, talking to her, and when the doctors asked me if I wanted to adopt her a few weeks later, I immediately said yes! – Crystal said.

Duchess now lives with Crystal and her family, which also includes a Siberian Husky named Joshua, a Bichon named Peach and a cat named Oliver. Duchess is absolutely accepted by this group!

The overwhelming love Duchess receives has helped her recover much faster than would have been the case if Crystal had never met her and poor Duchess had to go back to the streets…. Many thanks to this wonderful woman for such!