Your cat needs different care at each stage of life – but what makes a cat older and how should it be cared for at this age? Your cat needs different care at each stage of life to maintain its well-being – whether it’s the growth phase of the kitten’sContinue Reading

Many animals do not spend the winter in their habitat, but move to warmer regions. The best known migrants are birds. In some areas, winter is an extremely unfavorable time for many creatures. Cold is then a big problem for many animals, but still not the main reason for migrationContinue Reading

Many children and adolescents at some point express a desire to have a pet, and almost every parent knows the enthusiasm and excitement with which children approach these creatures. However, when deciding to buy a pet, a number of factors must be considered, such as the abilities, conditions, habits andContinue Reading

Dogs that eat high quality and well dosed food are not only healthy, but also have more energy, a nicer coat and a higher willingness to learn. Unfortunately, many owners do not feed their dogs enough, either out of ignorance, savings or for reasons that are easiest for them toContinue Reading

Sometimes it’s hard to resist and not throw anything off the table to your pet who meows and wraps around his legs with that pleading look. However, giving pets human food can be very dangerous. Therefore, inform yourself well before you decide to treat your cat, because some foods thatContinue Reading

Many owners, out of good intentions or pure ignorance, feed their cats foods that are not good for the health of the cat or the cat. Cats have a strong stomach to cope with some minor accidents (such as eating dog food instead of their own), but some foods canContinue Reading

CATS sleep between fifteen and twenty hours a day, but many people do not know the reason for this. We bring you the answers to that. Cats are most active from dusk to dawn. This would mean that they only become active in the evening, while they sleep during theContinue Reading