Lola, a sweet and good dog, was for years the victim of a bully who locked her up in a dirty garage where she was tied up, without love and a normal life.

Lola’s life was miserable and not worthy of a dog. For eight years she lived locked up like this, without proper care and concern for her mental and physical health.
A kind woman in the neighbourhood noticed Lola quite by chance, watched the dog for a long time and when she noticed that she was never let out of the garage, she called AMA Animal Rescue, an animal welfare organisation in the New York area.
They responded quickly and drove to the scene, and after much persuasion, they were finally able to convince the owner to relinquish Lola.

Lola has really never been aggressive, nor has she had a single outburst that would have condemned her to such a life. She is quite sweet, gentle and friendly. She loves people and people love her – everyone except her owner.

When the rescuer arrived, she wagged her little tail as a sign of joy and happiness at seeing her.
"We called her "wiggly butt" Michele Walsh, an AMA volunteer, told The Dodo. "She wagged her cute little tail, was super friendly, kissed everyone and was so happy to see her rescuers." They took her out immediately after she allowed them to release her from her chains."
Loli was found a suitable home, the woman who wanted to adopt her (Charlène from Saher in Manhattan) and take care of her with lots of love and attention as she deserves, she had to wait because before adoption Lola had to have surgery. Several tumours had to be removed.
After eight years of hell, Lola is finally surrounded by love and attention. She quickly got used to her new home. She has fallen in love with the woman who saved her family.

Lola also enjoys the sun, which she most likely experienced while chained up in the dark garage.

“She has figured out where her little beds are, what’s soft and what’s comfortable,” von Sacher told The Dodo.

“She actually took the pillow off my bed and put it in the dog bed,” von Saher said. “When I got home, her head was on it – she literally built a cot in her bed with my pillow. It was like a scene from The Princess and the Pea – I think she liked having more pillows under her.”

"I went away for a minute and when I came back, Lola had pushed the smaller bed onto the other bed and laid down on it," Von Saher said. "It was hilarious. When I walked in, I couldn't believe it."
"I love her to death," von Saher added. "She has already contributed so much to my life.