While strolling along the picturesque lane known as the “Cobble,” a Scottish man discovered an abandoned small stone cottage, evoking memories of his childhood in the area. Inspired by the nostalgia, he made the daring decision to purchase and restore the neglected structure.
The man, George Dunnett, observed three structures along the Cobbles, one of which was a mysterious small stone cottage left uninhabited for years. Adjacent to it stood another cottage, currently unoccupied but serving as a museum honoring the 1700s poet Michael Bruce. Lastly, a two-story stone cottage, once relegated to storage for half a century, exhibited signs of wear and neglect.
With frequent passes by the dilapidated cottage, George envisioned transforming it into his dream home. Acquiring the property, he embarked on a challenging journey to breathe new life into the weathered structure.
The restoration process commenced with significant structural work, including restoring original fireplaces, laying new walls, and reinforcing the aging foundation. A brick stack addition to the window frames and elevated ceilings added both character and space to the interior.
Despite encountering challenges such as a deteriorating roof, George remained steadfast in his commitment to the project. Repointing the stonework and extensive roof repairs brought a rejuvenating transformation to the cottage.
As the exterior gained a fresh lease on life, the interior began to take shape. Installation of insulation and plasterboard provided a more finished appearance, allowing George to envision the cottage’s future functionalities. The addition of oak flooring and carefully chosen paint colors further enhanced the aesthetic appeal.
Collaborating with local artisans, George installed a metal stair railing and enlisted his father’s help in laying cobblestones for the exterior finish. The year-long effort proved worthwhile as the cottage evolved into a charming and cozy home.
Inside, old photos of the cottage adorned the walls, serving as a nostalgic reminder of its journey to restoration. George opted for minimalist yet elegant furnishings, with a low-down bed, strategically placed closet, and cabinets maximizing space in the bedroom.
The bathroom, despite its minimal design, boasted ample space with a full shower, toilet, basin, and a frosted window. George’s attention to detail extended to the staircase, where oak complemented the hardwood flooring, and a Velux roof window allowed natural light to flood the space.
The second story unfolded into a multifunctional space, housing the kitchen, living room, and George’s workspace. With under-cabinet lighting illuminating the well-equipped kitchen, the living room featured a big-screen TV, a comfortable couch, and a stunning view of the surrounding hill.
Financing the entire endeavor from his savings as a video editor and YouTuber, George estimated the total cost, including the property purchase, at £157,844 ($196,278). Reflecting on the journey, he acknowledged the initial naivety about the timeline and costs but expressed satisfaction with the final outcome.
Looking ahead, George and his brother are contemplating the purchase of another neighboring fixer-upper. This time, George plans to take on the remodeling himself, eager to explore his skills in joinery and undertake a less challenging project. The story of the stone cottage’s revival stands as a testament to dedication, creativity, and the fulfillment of a homeowner’s vision.