28,000-year-old woolly mammoth cells brought back to life by scientists

During the course of their scientific experiment, there came a remarkable moment when the woolly mammoth’s long-dormant cells exhibited signs of life. This majestic creature had met its demise roughly 28,000 years ago.

The woolly mammoth in question was unearthed from the Siberian permafrost in 2011, and this discovery sent shockwaves through the scientific community. After all, this species had vanished from the Earth’s surface for an astonishing span of approximately 4,000 years.

Kindai University

The dedicated researchers immersed in this captivating pursuit unearthed a trove of intriguing revelations. Remarkably, portions of the mammoth’s DNA had remained surprisingly intact, hinting at the possibility of resurrecting this prehistoric behemoth.

The potential resurrection could result in a sight akin to this:


These intrepid scientists meticulously isolated nuclei from the cells of this ancient creature, transplanting them into mouse eggs. These cells, nestled within the ovaries, underwent genetic division, ultimately giving rise to the formation of egg cells.

What followed was the stirring sight of these cells stirring with renewed vigor, as if rekindling the distant echoes of the past. Kei Miyamoto, the lead researcher from the Department of Genetic Engineering at Kindai University, commented that this development eloquently demonstrates the resilience of cellular activity, even after years of dormancy.

Some of the cells produced truly remarkable results, a testament to the tenacity of life itself.

Consider, for instance, the case of the frozen mammoth calf known as “Lyuba.” This exceptionally preserved specimen still contained remnants of food within its stomach, an extraordinary glimpse into an ancient existence, now on display at the Royal BC Museum.

Ruth Hartnup

The researchers embarked on an arduous quest to ascertain whether the mammoth’s DNA remained functionally viable. Their tireless efforts ultimately bore fruit, leading to astonishing findings that challenge our understanding of what is achievable through scientific exploration.

Nonetheless, it’s crucial to recognize that we are still a considerable distance from the realm of tangible reality, as Miyamoto wisely pointed out. The ethical implications of reviving a species that has long been absent from the world’s tapestry warrant serious contemplation.

The woolly mammoth’s potential resurrection sparks a profound debate about the responsibility that comes with scientific advancement and the wisdom of revisiting a chapter in Earth’s history that has remained closed for millennia.

Source: Beauty of Planet Earth

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