Ellie Yeater, a 14-year-old resident of Williamstown, West Virginia, spent her summer break on a project that diverged from typical teenage activities. Instead of hanging out with friends or engaging in computer games, Ellie embarked on an ambitious journey to transform a 1974 Wilderness camper into what she proudly dubbed a “Glamper,” a fusion of camping and glamour.
Her initiative stemmed from a vision to make camping more enjoyable and less cumbersome. Ellie’s determination was apparent as she saved up approximately $500 through a combination of housework, birthday money, and various activities. The camper, initially spotted for sale at $200 on a community bulletin board, became the canvas for Ellie’s creative endeavor.
The camper, worn from previous use in camping and hunting, required significant restoration. Ellie, inspired by her older brother Isaiah’s small cabin project, envisioned a “cuter” and more convenient space closer to the house with electricity and Wi-Fi.
The transformation began with a meticulous cleaning and the application of Valspar’s “Mystic Sea” hue for the exterior. Ellie, guided by her grandfather Lawrence, acquired basic carpentry skills such as bracing and patching holes.
Choosing an aqua blue color scheme, Ellie painted the interior with precision and care, gradually bringing her vision to life. The camper’s interior started to take shape, showcasing Ellie’s attention to detail and creativity.
The final stages included adding finishing touches, laying new floor tiles, and crafting upholstery for seat cushions and curtains with assistance from her grandma, Mary. Ellie gathered various items over the summer, including a mannequin decoration, inspired by Pinterest, to enhance the glamper’s aesthetic.
Decorative elements such as a vintage camera, a retro electric fan, and handcrafted napkins from her grandma adorned the nearly finished glamper. When asked about her plans for the completed project, Ellie expressed a desire for sleepovers with friends or quiet moments to read and play the ukulele.
Ellie’s mother, emphasizing never placing limitations on her daughter, remarked on Ellie’s ability to tackle such a significant project at a young age. Ellie’s determination and effort serve as a testament to the belief that with dedication, anything is achievable.
As we marvel at Ellie’s finished glamper, it serves as a reminder that hard work and determination yield remarkable results. Let us share this inspiring story with friends and family!