Cute Dog Sporting Fluffy Ears Resembles Mickey Mouse

Meet Goma, the charming Tokyo pup that has captured hearts worldwide.

Goma’s claim to fame lies in her unmistakable ears, bearing a striking resemblance to the iconic Mickey Mouse. This delightful canine is a delightful blend of the finest characteristics from the Maltese and the Papillon breeds, resulting in a truly unique and adorable appearance.

Describing the sheer beauty of this little dog is a challenge in itself.

Goma, with her cartoon mouse-like charm, boasts an impressive following of over 100 thousand fans on her Instagram profile, attesting to the global adoration she has garnered.

Living a life as charming as her appearance, Goma receives impeccable care and attention. From a plethora of toys to call her own to a life filled with love, this little canine enjoys a beautiful and fulfilling existence.

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