Fate led a Chihuahua to find refuge at Fuzz Ball Animal Rescue in Hermiston, Oregon, following a traumatic incident where she was struck by a car while in the midst of labor.
The canine, affectionately named Xena, underwent a challenging journey towards recovery.
The compassionate team at Fuzz Ball Animal Rescue detailed on their social media page that Xena underwent a crucial leg amputation at the Oregon Trail Veterinary Clinic to address injuries sustained during the unfortunate accident.
In addition to this ordeal, Xena faced another hurdle – her offspring’s size necessitated an emergency C-section. The resilient Chihuahua demonstrated incredible strength, emerging as a true warrior throughout the entire process.
Providing an uplifting update on Wednesday, the rescue organization joyfully announced the heartwarming conclusion to this tale of adversity: both Xena and her robust baby boy not only survived the intensive operations but were thriving.
The elated rescue shared their sentiments on Facebook, stating, “It is so wonderful to see that both are doing amazing! This is one heck of a miracle. This mama is a warrior and so is her baby.
To have survived being on the streets, run over, in labor with a puppy that was too big to come out and then a c-section and leg amputation while in shock! They are little miracles!”
The remarkable resilience displayed by Xena and her newborn exemplifies the strength of the bond between a mother and her offspring, turning a tale of despair into one of triumph.